The 2017 Suncoast Rhythmic Sports Festival, Tampa, FL, January 28-29, 2017 

Results – IK School of Gymnastics

Level 4

Stefania Mishtal – 1st floor, 1st rope,1st AA, 2nd hoop

Isabella Chavez – 3rd AA

Karina Georgieva – 2nd rope

Belen Lettieri – 3rd hoop, 3rd AA

Level 5

Elizaveta Samardak – 1st hoop, 1st clubs, 1st AA, 2nd floor, 2nd ball

Addison Runzheimer – 1st ball, 2nd hoop, 2nd clubs, 2nd AA, 3rd ball

Sophia Miller – 1st ball, 1st clubs, 1st AA, 2nd floor, 3rd hoop

Yana Kostenko – 1st hoop, 2nd AA, 3rd ball, 3rd clubs

Level 6

Jaelyn Chin – 1st floor, 1st ball, 1st ribbon, 1st rope, 1st AA

Lucia Borja – 1st ribbon, 2nd floor, 2nd AA, 3rd ball

Michelle Pontchek – 2nd ball

Irina Fesyun – 1st floor, 1st ribbon, 1st AA, 2nd rope, 2nd ball

Level 7 

Mia Ackerman – 1st ball, 2nd hoop, 2nd clubs, 2nd AA

Daria Sokolova – 2nd floor, 3rd hoop, 3rd clubs, 3rd AA

Gabriela Montano – 1st hoop, 1st ball, 1st AA, 2nd clubs